Trauma Risk Management

This programme will support staff who are or may experience traumatic situations as part of their work which can lead to vicarious trauma symptoms.  Whether this be disclosures from customers or colleagues, witnessing situations or an experience they themselves have had, this training will enable staff to offer trauma informed approaches to manage their own and other people’s responses to traumatic events and information. 

A range of strategies will enable staff to assess the severity of trauma and build their confidence in how to ask questions to understand the best support mechanisms for a personalised approach.  Staff will be introduced to Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) and be familiar with some of the typical symptoms associated with the experience of trauma, PTSD and vicarious trauma.  Trauma informed approaches will be shared to support staff to build constructive, safe relationships and environments for supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. Details of internal and external support for the destructive reactions to trauma such as suicide idealisation, substance or alcohol misuse and mental health disorders will be shared with guidance about how to signpost and refer.

The context

  • Trauma informed approaches are essential to building safe, supportive and productive relationships with people who have experienced traumatic life events and reducing impact on professionals who work with them.

  • Several benefits for staff have been found from studies looking at the impact of a trauma-informed approach, including improvements in wellbeing, confidence, morale and resilience (Hopper et al, 2010; Prestidge, 2014; Moreton et al. 2018)

Course outline

The video presentation will increase your teams understanding of traumatic experiences that can cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It will identify the common reactions and signs of PTSD. Clear guidance about how to respond appropriately to people experiencing PTSD will be provided to support staff to offer sensitive and non-judgemental approaches.

The interactive session will apply the learning from the video to your team’s context and create practical opportunities to actively practise the key skills necessary to recognise and respond to concerns relating to PTSD and complex PTSD. Case studies and scenarios relevant to your team’s area of work will enable your staff to develop the skills and confidence to identify and respond to concerns using trauma informed approaches.  The impact of vicarious trauma will be explored with clear guidance about how to manage personal emotions and access support will be shared.  The importance of maintaining boundaries when working with people in a professional situation will be presented to promote safe working practices.

The interactive learning resources will support you staff to deepen their knowledge about the research relating to trauma informed approaches and frameworks for trauma informed approaches and environments. The organisations policy and procedures for staff wellbeing will be referenced for staff to access as part of their self directed learning.

Key skills and learning outcomes

Aimed at:

For professionals who have or may recieve concerning disclosures from customers or colleagues, witnessed situations or experienced trauma first-hand

Session duration:

6 hours

What our attendees learnt:

Interested in this course for your employees?

For further information or to make a booking enquiry, simply email us at:

[email protected]