Supervision Surgery

It is recognised that some of the daily experiences that staff encounter can be distressing, and it is beneficial to equip staff with a mechanism for reducing the impact of vicarious trauma through regular group supervision opportunities. The Well Programme offers this monthly learning online session to create a platform for staff to share their experiences in a safe environment, focusing on the learning outcomes for future practice.

This programme is aimed at providing staff with a protected environment to share and learn upon their personal experiences.

Lesson Structure

Structure: Each session will start with a short 10 minute presentation about a topic that was raised at the previous group session or a topic that is relevant to counselling strategies. The aim is to generate discussion and for the staff to review and process the experiences that have been a cause for concern for them. Guest speakers are invited to contribute on occasions where relevant e.g. workplace mental health or domestic abuse champion may be invited from the organisation or an external service such as a local foodbank or alcohol service.

What is discussed: The sessions aim to offer reassurances about their approach to challenging situations and an opportunity to reflect will be offered which can support staff to recognise the positive impact of the role that they can have in people’s lives, alongside accepting some of the limitations. Where the staff approach could have supported a better outcome, the trainer will invite comments from the group about the possible future approaches to achieve better outcomes to ensure that the sessions offer learning opportunities for the organisation and individual personal wellbeing.

Lesson scheduling: The session will be delivered once a month on the same day and time to offer consistency to the staff attending. Staff can choose to attend every session or dip in and out as they feel necessary for their own circumstances and experiences over time. The meeting will be set up in teams and invites provided to staff who would benefit or have requested support through HR.

Facilitation of the sessions

The facilitator will use knowledge of housing, trauma informed approaches and safeguarding to generate discussion amongst the group, blending counselling techniques to support individuals to express any traumatic information in an appropriate and sensitive manner. It is envisaged that the topic of conversation is likely to include the following key issues that staff receive traumatic information about:

This is not an exhaustive list and to ensure that key learning is captured from discussions, brief, anonymous notes will support the organisation to gain an insight into the most common issues for staff and the impact of the experiences they are having to inform future training and development needs. Signposting information will be provided for topics raised during the session by staff. Where a staff member disclosures information that could put them or someone else at serious risk of harm, a confidential discussion will be offered, and further signposting to internal support e.g. mental health first aider, employee assistance etc and external support will be provided.

Aimed at:

Teams working with emotionally distressed customers who have experienced traumatic events and the reactions of PTSD or cPTSD

Session duration:

1.5 hours

Interested in this course for your employees?

For further information or to make a booking enquiry, simply email us at:

[email protected]